Snippet Sunday – These are Dangerous Thoughts

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and May is just around the corner. Are you getting pretty flowers in your yard? I’m just hoping for less snow, lol.

Beltane is coming up, and I thought I’d showcase CLOUDBURST COFFEE & SPA, the companion tale to THE BELTANE WITCH. Both occur around May Day, which is coming up, and there’s a sequel to them coming in October this year.

In this snippet, we’re in Moira’s POV and she’s trying to get Sabrina home after she’d hit her head.

Moira backed out and made sure the fan pushed heat into the cabin as they drove through town. She tried to ignore the attention Darius gave Sabrina. I want some. She mentally shook her head. These are dangerous thoughts. You know where they lead and it’s never good.

Despite the warning, her mind filled with memories. Oh, knock it off. He’s gone and he’s not coming back. The summer she’d been sixteen and never been kissed, at least not until he came around.


But he’d left that fall, two years older and college bound, and she never saw him again. So why do I keep pining over him? Moira smothered a growl and stopped her thoughts before they wandered into the Forbidden Zone. It was the place reserved for memories she never wanted to look at again. Too many dark things resided there for her to face today.

When they crossed the railroad tracks, Moira forced her attention back to the world around her. She’d get Sabrina home and settled with Darius to watch out for her.

Moira glanced in the rearview mirror. “I’m sure she has my phone number somewhere at home, but you can call me if you need anything. Or ask Matilda to call.”

“Who is Matilda?” Darius focused his unnerving gaze on hers in the mirror.

“She’s Sabrina’s babysitter. I’m sure she’ll help you when you get her inside.”

“Very well.”

When they pulled up in Sabrina’s driveway, Moira scanned his expression and gave him a half smile. Tenderness there already. Well well well. “Need some help getting her inside?”

“No, I’m sure we’ll be well. Thank you for your help getting her home.”

“You’re welcome. Call me if you need anything.”

“I will. Thank you, Ms. Callahan.”

She sure does wish she can have what Sabrina’s having. 😉 This scene is also in THE BELTANE WITCH if you want to know what happens to Sabrina and Darius. There are several great authors on the Weekend Writer Warriors list, the Snippet Sunday Facebook group, and the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. A few of my favorites are, P.T. WyantKaren Michelle NuttVeronica ScottJessica SubjectKathy Griffith Karysa Faire, and Iris Blobel.

Here’s the blurb for DUDE WITH A COOL CAR:

Available Wide

Moira Callahan knows a thing or two about fresh starts. Second chances are a different story…

As an empath synced into the energies of spaces around her, Moira always understood what people needed, and tried to provide. But after escaping an abusive D/s relationship, she’s ready to make her own rules as the owner of the Cloudburst Coffee & Spa. Life is good. Until her first love shows up in town seeking his second chance.

Aiden Westmorland escaped Cloudburst to learn to control his sexual needs, but he left behind the one woman who calmed his statistical empathic abilities. Now he has a chance to rekindle the fire they’d shared as teenagers, with the flavor of BDSM. But earning the trust of an emotionally scarred woman after his long radio silence is easier said than done.

When Moira’s past comes to Cloudburst, threatening the life she’s fought to rebuild, Aiden insists she go to the police. But her former Dom has a past of his own, and he isn’t willing to let go so easily this time….

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