Snippet Sunday – I Never Got Your Name

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. It’s the weekend and I’m taking it slow because personal stuff. But I have a whole new series of books filled with snark, humor, and paranormal bikers, and the second one is now available while the first one is available in Kindle Unlimited. Don’t forget, you can either buy books on Amazon as usual or you can “borrow” the books in Kindle Unlimited (which is an unlimited reading subscription for only ten dollars a month). Check it out MY FOREVER COCKY BIKER ENCOUNTER HERE! Keep in mind if you’re not an Amazon fan that DUDE WITH A COOL CAR will only be wide for a few more days before I put it into KU too.

But today I’m showcasing DUDE WITH A COOL CAR and it’s out! In this snippet, we’re in Cooper’s POV (all in first person) and he’s just chased after the woman he met at the gas pumps when she fled. Weird thing is he somehow knew how to find her, and it’s weirding him out, too.


“What the fuck are you doing here?”

Not the best start, but better than icy silence.

“I followed you.”

“No shit, Sherlock. Why the hell did you do that?”

I spread my hands and shrugged. “I never got your name.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You followed me into Bumfuck Nowhere Colorado to get my name after meeting me for all of two minutes? That’s creepy.”

I wanted to argue that it wasn’t creepy, but it did seem like I’d stalked her. The very thought made my stomach cramp and bile work its way up my throat. I couldn’t help but be drawn to her and ever since I’d taken her hand, I had this buzzing in my head attracting me to her like a compass needle.

I ran my hand over the back of my neck. “Yeah, I can see your point. But what’s weird is I knew where you were going. Ever since we shook hands, I’ve had this feeling where I can kinda sense you no matter where you are. Well maybe not specifically where you are, but a general direction. Does that make sense?”

She groaned and dropped her head back, closing her eyes. “You unbelievable bitch!” She opened her eyes and pointed at the clouds in the sky. “You know I don’t have time for this, right? He can’t be my mate!”

I blinked. Mate? I knew humans were considered mammals, but not that we took mates. Unless she meant in terms of sex and reproduction, which I’d be happy to provide. At least the sex part.

“Uh, what?”

“I fucking don’t have time for this. Do you hear me?”

A rumble of distant thunder flowed across the mountains around us from the building storm clouds and she scowled deeper.

“It’s not funny.”

She’s talking to someone beyond his reckoning. 😉 There are several great authors on the Weekend Writer Warriors list, the Snippet Sunday Facebook group, and the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. A few of my favorites are, P.T. WyantKaren Michelle NuttVeronica ScottJessica SubjectKathy Griffith Karysa Faire, and Iris Blobel.

Here’s the blurb for DUDE WITH A COOL CAR:

Available Wide for a Limited Time

Bikers, Badge, and Backlog: Marshal DeVille always gets his man…and his Karma.

Cooper DeVille, US Marshal

Being undercover has its perks. I get to do stuff the day-to-day me would never experience. Like infiltrating the Concrete Angels Motorcycle Club and meeting Karma, the gorgeous Enforcer of the MC. Being handcuffed to her bed is a dream, but that’s the problem with undercover work. Everything I’m doing here is only half true. The Concrete Angels—and Karma—are connected to Backlog, a shadow organization infiltrating law enforcement. The Fed undercover here before me was Backlog’s bitch, and now he’s dead. I have to determine which side of this fight the Concrete Angels are on… before Karma comes to bite me in ways I won’t enjoy.

Karma, Concrete Angels’ Enforcer

You bet your ass, I’m that karma, the one people pray never catches up to them. But my own karma has found me, seeing as the hunky P.I. who drove into the MC compound with his cool car is my Goddess-chosen true mate. But as my luck—and the Goddess’ sense of humor—would have it, Cooper’s an undercover US Marshal trying to ferret out our connection to a group called Backlog. Would’ve been nice to know before I took him to bed and discovered he’s the best damn submissive this Madam could want, because I don’t deal well with liars. And no one’s happy when Karma’s pissed. But Backlog has Cooper in its sights, and to survive… my mate might just have to die.

7 Replies to “Snippet Sunday – I Never Got Your Name”

  1. Okay, I’m laughing pretty hard here. Between Bumfuck Nowhere Colorado and the laughing thunder this is just perfect. I wonder who she’s really yelling. The universe? And why is she so opposed to a mate? Poor Cooper must be confused out of his mind at this point, but I for one am quite curious now.

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