Snippet Sunday – Bullfighter

Today’s a big day for the Muir household. We’re moving the horse! Keep an eye on my social media to find out what that means.

The Triple Star Ranch series now has three book, ROPE A FALLING STAR, STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT, and STAR SPANGLED BANNER. You not only see the old favorite characters but meet some new ones.

In this snippet, Tom Colton is trying to reassure Petty Officer Sanchez that he won’t lose all his endurance and strength while healing.

“Hey, don’t worry about it, Sanchez.” Tom gave him an easy smile. “I’ll work you hard enough without pushing your injuries, and you’ll be fit as a fiddle soon enough.” He grinned and it coaxed a smile out of Enrique.

“You ever had a punctured lung and a broken arm at the same time?”

Tom snorted. “Hell yeah. Well, not the lung, but I did have broken ribs, collarbone and arm at the same time. Made breathing a bitch, and ridin’ even worse.”

“Riding?” Enrique raised his eyebrows.

“Bronc ridin’, yeah.”

“Shhhhhiiitt. You rode broncos?”

“Hell yeah. Won the championship three times before quittin’.” Tom chuckled at Enrique’s impressed look as he led him out the back door to the yard behind the lodge. “Ah hell, it ain’t nearly as tough as what y’all have to do as a SEAL, and no one was givin’ me hazard pay. Let’s get you settled in your place before I show you what all you’ll be doin’.”

Enrique followed Tom outside where a paved path led around a large duck pond edged with cattail reeds. The barn and covered arena sat off to the left and another building stood ahead of them. It resembled a two story western motel sporting covered balconies with wrought iron railings. A few people sat on benches around the pond, relaxing, while others followed an instructor in a yoga class.

“Wow, this place is nice.”

“Thanks.” Tom beamed. “We’ve worked pretty hard to make this one of the best places to come for therapy in Wyoming. My dad recognized the need for it after his time in the Army and as a bull fighter.”

“Bull fighter?” Enrique raised his eyebrows. “He challenged bulls?”

“Oh, no, not the way you’re thinkin’. Folks used to call them ‘rodeo clowns.’”

The hardest jobs aren’t always jumping out of airplanes. 😉 There are several great authors on the Weekend Writer Warriors list, the Snippet Sunday Facebook group, and the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. A few of my favorites are, P.T. WyantKaren Michelle NuttVeronica ScottJessica SubjectKathy Griffith Karysa Faire, and Iris Blobel.

Here’s the blurb for STAR SPANGLED BANNER:

Now available!

Sometimes a falling star wears a flag…

Dr. Suzie Appleton expected a helluva ride in the barrel-racing championships at Cheyenne Frontier Days rodeo, but she had no idea she’d have to save a man falling from the sky. When he calls her for a date, she’s hesitant, but there’s something sexy and seductive about the Leap Frog, and she takes a chance. She suggests he come to the Triple Star Ranch for his therapy to have more time with him before he returns to jumping out of airplanes.

Petty Officer Enrique Sanchez signed up to serve his country and expected to get shot at, just not during an exhibition jump at a rodeo. But the sexy doctor who saved his life in the arena is willing to sign off on his transfer on one condition: that he’s not her patient. Works for Enrique. He’d much rather play doctor with her than have her white coat get in the way of their personal relationship.

While the attraction between them isn’t one-sided, neither are the threats. Someone is trying to complete their attempt on Enrique’s life, and someone else has their sights set on Suzie. Rumors and lies threaten to destroy their relationship. But all’s fair in love and war, and both of them could lose big.

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