Week 556 of #ThursThreads, and y’all never disappoint. We’re more than halfway through our tenth year and the time is flying. Thank you to everyone who writes each week. If you’ve just found us, welcome to the crew! You’re in good company. May you come back again and write more great flash. A thousand thanks to Joel Sandersen for judging this week. Check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction group on Facebook or the #ThursThreads Group on MeWe to keep up with news, etc.
- Bill Engleson | @billmelaterplea
- Mark Ethridge | @mysoulstears
- Eric C. Martell | @drmag00
- Mark A. Morris
- David A. Ludwig | @DavidALudwig
- Daelyn Morgana | @DaelynMorgana
- Siobhan Muir | @SiobhanMuir
- M.T. Decker | @mishmhem
Honorable Mentions
M.T. Decker | @mishmhem
Joel says: Of all the endings, I did not see that one coming. There is so much more to this story and I want to know what happens.
winner announcement

Week 556 Winner
Daelyn Morgana | @DaelynMorgana
Joel says: I am a sucker for a good story and this one leaves me want to know more – like why if ever one distrusts Kailyn do they want to put her in charge?
“Shut it! We can sit here arguing like idiots, or we can go take one more fucking attempt at those bastards seeing reason!”
“I think the Council gets final say.”
“Can we just take a-“
“Screw that!“
Kailyn sighed inwardly, tuning out the incessant squabbling around her. Leaning against the doorframe of their newfound home while twelve others debated their misfortune of ending up with her as Coven Mistress.
Trust me, I am just as displeased as you all are.
She hadn’t wanted this. Not in the slightest had she wanted to be forced into a Coven, let alone be shoved on as their so-called leader. All she had wanted was to stay in her manor, alone. There was nothing good left there with her best friend gone, but there surely wasn’t any good here either in this pristine home with its new curtains and polished wood smell. Who in the gods’ names thought putting the Dark Heir in charge was a good idea? Most of this realm already hated and feared her. These twelve were no different. Keeping a healthy distance, throwing nervous glances her way. One of them was either going to try to stab her in her sleep or cower the moment she spoke.
All of this might as well be just another trap. Another ploy to watch her crash and burn, another reasoning behind their wish to eliminate her. Another tactic for the flailing rulers to feel in control.
Congratulations Nine Time Winner Daelyn, and Honorable Mentions M.T.! Don’t forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it!
Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, MeWe, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the original tales HERE. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! 🙂