Week 426 of #ThursThreads had many fantastic tales. I’m honored to see all the writers come to tie a tale as we start our ninth year. If you’ve been doing it a while, thank you for sticking with us. If you’ve just found us, welcome! May you come back again and write more great flash. Thousand thanks to Daelyn Morgana for judging this week. Check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction group on Facebook or the #ThursThreads Group on MeWe to keep up with news, etc.
- Bill Engleson | @billmelaterplea
- Katheryn J. Avila | @katheryn_avila
- Lyra Lane
- Silver James | @SilverJames_
- Catherine Derham | @cathducourau
- Siobhan Muir | @SiobhanMuir
- Mark A. Morris
- David A. Ludwig | @DavidALudwig
- Sheilagh Lee | @SweetSheil
- Kelly Heinen | @Aightball
- M.T. Decker | @mishmhem
- Joel Sandersen | @jsandersen76
Honorable Mentions
Katheryn J. Avila | @katheryn_avila
Daelyn says: This tale painted such a great scene. Just the right amount of background info and just the perfect touch of conflict within conflict. This was so well done. I love the contrast of characters, the names, and everything about it. I want more of this story.
Kelly Heinen | @Aightball
Daelyn says: Great visuals for this tale! I love the humor to the tornado storm in November, and the way it speaks to the character’s personality. I especially love the idea of a woman ascending the throne of Death, and that whole concept just grabs my attention in general. This sounds like an epic fantasy tale and I want more. I want the book. Is this is a book? Please be a book.
Joel Sandersen | @jsandersen76
Daelyn says: This tale is just so sweet and imaginative that it plucks the heart strings. The final lines are the icing on the cake touch to the overall piece. A nicely done, imaginative piece that thought outside the box among a dream.
winner announcement

Week 426 Winner
Daelyn says: This tale threw me for a loop! I love how the author turned a menial task into a fight, and had me completely fooled on the fight until the mop bucket came into play. (Maybe I should have paid more attention to the title. Lol.) The ending finished with a bang in a fashion I love. Great tale, and great use of the prompt!
The Battle of Ted’s Deli
I told them I was going to clean up this town, and that is what I planned to do. I held no illusions that it would be exactly what it was, war. And almost as soon as I made my bold statement there were people gunning for me.
I loaded up a wide array of weapons and implements to make the job easier but I could tell people were waiting for me to fail. Well, some of them were, others were getting ready to make sure I failed.
I surveyed the town, read through the records, and figured out my plan of attack. It wasn’t going to be pretty, but I knew what I had to do. Weapons holstered, I headed out to the south side of town, all the naysayers gathered on the North end, just watching me.
“Time to go into battle,” I said and wheeled my mop bucket to the corner deli. I could hear the wheels squeak and before I knew it the naysayers were gathered around me.
“You’ll want to use ammonia on that.” One suggested. “No, vinegar!” another suggested.
By the time I finished at the deli, I’d had enough. I mixed the ammonia with the bleach and walked away. Now I could clean in peace.
Congratulations Thirteen Time Winner M.T., and Honorable Mentions Katheryn, Kelly, and Joel! Don’t forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it!
Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, MeWe, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the original tales HERE. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! 🙂