Monday Motivation: #NaNoWriMo Ahhhhhhh!

Great Horned Owl taking flight from Prickly Pear cactus pads. Text: Monday Motivation: Jumpstart your week!

#NaNoWriMo has started! *flailing hands and panicked running*

Ahem! Okay, back to the regular programming – which I have no idea what that is but it sounds good.

How are y’all doing? Are you doing National Novel Writing Month? This is Day Two and hopefully you have your tales started and your word count hummin’ along.

Since I’m doing NaNoWriMo for the first time officially (I’ve done it for years unofficially) I’m nervous I can’t keep the pace up. But I’ve set goals for myself and once I reach them I don’t have to do more. For the Virgo in me, that’s huge.

That’s the key to success in NaNoWriMo – setting “achievable” goals. What I mean by that is, set goals that you believe you can hit each day. It doesn’t matter what you actually can or can’t hit. None of that matters if you don’t believe it. Hopefully, you’ve already made those decisions before November started, but if not, today is a great day to set down your daily or weekly goals. Just remember, you only need 1667 words each day to reach 50,000 for the month.

So what keeps you motivated to write each day in November?

Good luck and happy writing!

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