Well, isn’t this a fine kettle of fish? Blogging is coming back because social media “networks” aren’t for humans anymore. Yeah, it doesn’t make sense to me, either. I mean, the whole definition of “social media” is to connect with other humans.
Apparently not. Between the Muskrat destroying Twitter and Zuckersucks filling FB with bots and genAI profiles, there’s not much social to social media. Years ago, a commentator said that social media networks were the equivalent to social media sharecropping – the networks can take what you have and either hide or share it indiscriminately, and you can’t say boo.
Of course, the commentator was making a case for newsletters (which I didn’t like to write), not blogging, but I think the sentiment about FB and Twitter applies. I own the blog. I can put whatever I like on it and I can share it. With subscribers, they see everything I post. Newsletters are the same, but everyone has been getting a buttload of emails and don’t want more.
So I’m bringing back my blog. It’ll be like Facebook in that I’m posting what’s going on in my life, in my worlds, and asking for interaction. There’s a comment section for you to tell me your thoughts, and since it’s a WordPress blog, you’ll be able to see when you get responses. Plus, on Thursdays there will be #ThursThreads and you can try your hand at writing a 250 word tale.
All in all, I’m not going away, but the age of “everything in one place” is becoming a thing of the past. Too easily manipulated by literal bad actors and those who are using us as the products they offer. I choose not to feed the billionaires any more than I have to.
So welcome to the House of Muir blog, and I hope you’ll stick around and stay awhile.