Recipe for Romance: Scalloped Corn

Recipe for Romance Two champagne glasses against a purple sparkly background with bells and ribbons at their base

Welcome to Recipe for Romance!

Each weekend, I share a snippet of a tale and a recipe that either goes with the tale or goes with the month.

Let’s get started. I’m sharing a snippet of IN DEATH’S SHADOW, book 3 in the RIFTS Series,  

Available now: In Death's Shadow

If Quinn wanted any friendliness from the dryads he had to respect their homes. He pushed his way deeper among the trees and pulled off his bow as he searched for a good place to hide and wait.

Settling behind some thick rhododendrons, he pushed his white hood off and grimaced at the cold biting his ears. He notched an arrow and held it loosely as he scanned the tree line. Black trunks and shrubs obscured most of his view, but sound carried well as his trackers approached.

“Cripes, it’s the feckin’ dryad forest, it is. I ain’t goin’ in there!” The rough voice barely made it over the yelps and barks of the hounds.

“Don’t be such a ninny, Garlic. You know he went in there and he killed the Cap’n. He couldn’t have made it far. Go on, now.” Quinn recognized the captain’s second-in-command.

“No one comes outta there alive, y’hear? I ain’t goin’ in.” Garlic stood his ground.

The Second sighed. “Then send in the hounds. That’s what they’re for, right?”

But the dogs only milled around in the snow and whined, picking up the fear of their handler. Quinn’s neck prickled with the dryads’ magic, but he held his silence and waited.

“Oh for fuck’s sake!” A whip cracked and the hounds yelped, but none entered the trees. “Fine. I’ll show you cowards how it’s done.”

The Second spurred his horse toward the break in the undergrowth, but the animal reared and squealed in protest. He cursed and yanked the reins, forcing his mount between the trunks. When the understory proved too thick to pass, he hacked at it with his sword, scoring the bark and bushes with his blade.

Whispers and a subsonic rumbling spread through the woods, raising the hair on the back of Quinn’s neck.

Scalloped Corn

This recipe is an old family favorite. My maternal grandmother used to make this every year for Gratitude Day and it was my favorite thing on the table next to the mashed potatoes. But when I made it later and followed the recipe exactly, it didn’t taste good to me. So I’ve modified it from the original a little, making it Gluten-Free and much better in taste.


  • 2 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp gluten-free 1:1 baking flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 cups cooked or canned corn
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1/8 tsp pepper
  • Pinch of mace and parsley


In a large sauce pan, melt shortening over medium heat and add the flour. Mix well.

Add the milk, increase the heat to medium-high, and gradually bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly so it doesn’t burn.

Add the corn, sugar, salt, pepper, mace, and parsley, and mix until thoroughly distributed. Heat completely, then remove from the burner.

Add beaten eggs and mix well until evenly combined.

Pour mixture into a greased 9×9 baking dish and bake at 350 F (177 C) for 25 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Makes 6-8 servings. To double the recipe, use a greased 9×13 inch pan.

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