Snippet Sunday – Where Are You?

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. And it seems like forever since I had a book threatening to come out. But I do! Woohoo!! Have you gotten your copy yet?

So today I’m showcasing THE CONCRETE ANGEL, a cocky bikers holiday tale. And it’s available now!

In this snippet, we’re in Flint’s POV (all in first person) after his night with Rochelle and it’s time to go to work.

Something buzzed incessantly in the room and I wondered if Rochelle had set an alarm to get up. I opened my eyes and looked around her bedroom with the fairy lights still glowing in the early morning darkness. Nothing moved. Not even Rochelle. She lay curled up on her side and just the curve of her hip made my cock stand up with enthusiasm.

But the buzzing started again and I rolled out of the bed to find my phone. I fished it out from under her sweater and read the notification.


I wasn’t surprised he’d texted. I usually didn’t stay away from the compound longer than a couple of hours, being security. He must’ve been shitting purple bricks by the time he got around to texting. I unlocked the phone and read his message, snorting with amusement.

Where the fuck are you?

I tapped out a response with the same love and care he’d shown. Getting laid. Why?

I didn’t expect him to respond right away so I set about getting dressed. While I didn’t feel the cold, most humans had an issue with a rock hard, ripped naked man wandering around. They were too uptight in my opinion, but I’d lived around them long enough to realize they weren’t going to change. I’d brought my cut into Rochelle’s home, but my extra shirt remained in the paniers on my bike. I shoved my feet into my boots just as my phone chirped with another text.

Det er bra. I hope it was good because I need you down at the southside shop. Scott and Attila are packing up some product for distribution and I want extra security.

I nodded. Since Backlog started using us as scapegoats for their illegal shit we’d stepped up our vigilance.

Oh, they only take credit for their own bad actions. 😉 There are several great authors on the Weekend Writer Warriors list, the Snippet Sunday Facebook group, and the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. A few of my favorites are, P.T. WyantKaren Michelle NuttVeronica ScottJessica Subject, Karysa Faire, and Iris Blobel.

Here’s the blurb for THE CONCRETE ANGEL:

Coming Soon!

The weather outside is frightful, and so are the goons trying to toss me off a snowy cliff…

Rochelle Stone, Earth Witch

Speaking out against a local bigwig who’s terrified of witches when you actually are a witch attracts trouble. Only the timely intervention of a big, hot biker dude saves me from a modern-day execution. He says he’s security for the Concrete Angels Motorcycle Club, but I know he’s more than that. I’ve always had an affinity for stones, and my affinity for Flint is through the roof. He’s hard as a rock and my hands tingle when I touch him. He doesn’t speak aloud, but his talented hands tell me plenty… Now if I can just get the jackass trying to kill me off my back, it’ll be a golden holiday for sure.

Humans. They’re either gloriously happy or dismally miserable.

Flint, Concrete Angels’ Security

With the holidays just around the corner, I’ve been looking for a quiet place to collect my thoughts. But that’s when Earl Creighton’s goons try to throw a woman off my local cliff. I normally don’t get involved with human troubles, but something about this woman captivates me beyond reason. We share a one-night stand and I know she’s meant to be mine. But Rochelle is no one’s property and she might not sign Loki’s contract. If she refuses, I’ll have to let her go and that will crack the foundation of my soul. No pressure, right?

Havoc, hexes, and holidays: It’s the most wonderful time of year…

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