It’s Snippet Sunday and I finally have a new book coming in the Concrete Angels MC series. Plus you get to see the cover for the first time. Woot!
I’m showcasing ANGEL INK and it’s coming soon! In this snippet, we’re in Haley Michaels’ POV (all in first person) and she got out of the party and found a phone. She’s on the line with the dispatcher and they’ve asked her to identify herself. This is unedited at the moment so forgive typos if you find them.
Oh hell no. They’d killed the ADA of Denver while mentioning Backlog. There was no way I’d give my name to anyone. But I’d make sure the cops knew all they needed.
“I was just going out for a smoke and I got locked outta the party, but then I heard the shots and the guy was thrown in the stairwell and now he’s dead and bleeding and—”
“Ma’am, the police and emergency personnel are on their way. Let’s start with your name.”
I had to admit the dispatch operator had a voice full of nothing but serenity and bliss. Or at least Ninja-level calm.
“Oh my gawd, someone’s coming. They might see me. I gotta go.” And I hung up with a smile.
I took my scarf and wiped down the phone so I didn’t leave fingerprints – Think forensics – and slipped from behind the desk. I kept my face averted from the cameras but scanned the area for the security guards. Where had they all gone? Surely, they didn’t take this long for a bathroom break.
I zipped up my coat and headed for the doors. I wasn’t gonna wait around for the cops to show up and I didn’t really need anyone remembering I’d been here. I doubted Carl would remember his first name by the time he was done with those people upstairs. I shook my head and wondered how I’d start the “Dear Carl” email.
Probably with, Dear Carl, it’s not me, it’s you.
I laughed aloud but cut the sound off the moment I stepped outside. My breath stalled in my chest as I came to an abrupt stop. My gaze landed on the man waiting for me on a black, opalescent Harley.
Holy moly, it’s the guy from the Museum.
And it’s on! 😉 There are several great authors on the Weekend Writer Warriors list, the Snippet Sunday Facebook group, and the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. A few of my favorites are, P.T. Wyant, Karen Michelle Nutt, Veronica Scott, Jessica Subject, Kathy Griffith Karysa Faire, and Iris Blobel.
Here’s the blurb for ANGEL INK:

Coming Soon

Angels, Art, and Avarice: The magic of an angel’s heart…is written on his skin.
Haley Michaels, Reporter
I was minding my own business, trying to escape a party, and walked straight into a murder. Which would’ve been the scoop of a lifetime if my phone hadn’t died. And the door hadn’t locked. Now I’m stuck in a cabin in the mountains with a hot guy who appeared on the street like my knight on shining motorcycle, and I should be more worried than attracted. I mean, he’s covered in tattoos and is VP from the notorious Concrete Angels MC, the same group I’m investigating. Because I know they’re involved with the deaths of a U.S. Marshal and two FBI agents. My love life luck sucks.
Michael, Concrete Angels’ VP
Love isn’t something that archangels ever expect to feel. At least not the all-consuming, no-holds-barred kind of love spoken about in films and songs. But that’s what I felt the moment I laid eyes on Haley. She doesn’t know I’m not human, or just how inhuman the rest of my MC is, but I can’t stay away from her if I tried. Now I have to protect her – not only from the men hunting her, but also from the truth. The question is: will she stay when she finds out what I really am? Because if she can’t be trusted with the truth, Loki will make sure she can’t pass on the information. Permanently.
My first thought was: which guy from the Museum? Most guys in museums don’t have Harleys.
It was from a previous snippet – the one who kissed her at the Museum before he disappeared. Now he’s outside the building on his Harley. Thanks for commenting, Aurora.
She seems almost giddy and overconfident here so I’m worried for her. The man with the Harley is an interesting development all right! Quite the intriguing snippet…
She definitely thinks she’s done all she needs to to get away without anyone knowing it was her. Thanks for commenting, Veronica.
Brought me into the situation immediately. Sounds like a fast-paced read! And I don’t think she was minding her own business, lol. 🙂
I’m curious if he is waiting for her and if so, how did he know she would be coming outside now.