Snippet Sunday – Burning Yuletide

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and it’s the holiday season, so I thought I’d post one of my three holiday reads. This story is paranormal romance with a healthy helping of firefighter, and a little sprinkle of holiday magic.

But today I’m showcasing BURNING YULETIDE in celebration of the season and you can grab a copy if it tickles your fancy. We’re in Mark’s POV but Estelle speaks first.

“Hey, are you lost?”

The woman’s voice held warmth, concern, and a sultry quality that caught his attention in ways he didn’t need to be thinking.

“No, ma’am. I’m headed home.”

“In a blizzard? Where are you headed?” She shot him a look implying he was crazier than a shithouse rat.


“That’s where I’m going. Can I give you a ride? No one should be out in weather like this, at least not without a car.” She leaned over and opened the Jeep’s door. “Come on. Get in. It’s warm and dry in here.”

He debated getting into a strange woman’s car, but he’d grown tired of the cold snow dripping down the back of his neck and climbed into her passenger seat.

“Thanks. It’s getting nasty out there.” He shut the door and turned to offer his hand. “Name’s Mark Redfeather.” He stopped at his name, struck dumb by her beauty.

Unusually light blue eyes peered out over a slightly beaked nose, arching dark brows, and elegant lips with the corners turned up. From what he could see of her dark hair it rested long, straight, and thick over the chest of her down jacket.

“Pleased to meet you, Mark. My name’s Estelle Three-Hearts.” She checked her mirrors and pulled back onto the road.

“Three-Hearts is an unusual name. What nation are you from?”

She smiled and it warmed his chest. “I’m half Cree through my mother. So where can I take you in Newberry?”

“I’m headed to the fire station. I’m a firefighter.”

Her eyes opened wide and a smile curled her lips, damn near curling his toes. “That’s where I’m going. I wanted to talk to your captain about finalizing the schedule for the annual holiday calendar photo shoot. Not much time to get the shots before we sell it for next year.”

Sometimes people arrive at just the right time. 😉 There are several great authors on the Weekend Writer Warriors list, the Snippet Sunday Facebook group, and the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. A few of my favorites are, P.T. WyantKaren Michelle NuttVeronica ScottJessica SubjectKathy Griffith Karysa Faire, and Iris Blobel.

Here’s the blurb for BURNING YULETIDE:

Available Wide

Estelle Three-Hearts has one goal for the holidays – finish her charity calendar for the ‘Smoke Detectors in Every Building’ program to provide fire safety for the citizens of Three Lakes. Luckily, her uncle is a captain for the fire department who’s recruited volunteers to pose for the sexy firefighter calendar. There’s nothing more fun to look at than half-naked firefighters all year round.

Mark Redfeather, a Firebird shifter, has learned to use his birthright for firefighting rather than fire-lighting. When his captain asked for volunteers for the charity calendar, he had no plans to participate – until he meets Estelle, and recognizes her as his mate.

Estelle is human and knows nothing about the Elder Races, but when an arsonist strikes her home and studio, Mark is forced to reveal his secret. Estelle must decide if he’s the monster she fears or the man who sets her heart on fire.

2 Replies to “Snippet Sunday – Burning Yuletide”

  1. Oh I LIKE it! The heat comes right off the page and the snow is melting LOL. I’ve got to go pull this out of the TBR list (where I think it got buried under an avalanche) and that’s going to be my reading for today. Great snippet!

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