Recipe for Romance: Hungarian Potato Salad

Recipe for Romance Two champagne glasses against a purple sparkly background with bells and ribbons at their base

Welcome to Recipe for Romance!

It’s the end of summer and the temperatures are slowly dropping. Time for the harvest to start and all those farmer’s markets to bring out the best things like squash and potatoes. I LOVE potatoes!

So let’s get cookin’. I’m sharing a snippet of TAKE THE REINS, book 1 in the Rifts series. Bethany is just going for a walk to figure out how to get out of an arranged marriage she didn’t agree to. The problem is, she’s not in the US anymore. She’s definitely gonna need some comfort food after this.

Available Now: Take The Reins

Squinting against the dust, she searched for a place to hide. Where had all the horses come from? Had her father actually sent the cavalry after her? To hell with that. Bethany crawled toward the maple where she’d left Killian, hoping the dirt and dust would obscure her identity. If she could get to her horse, she’d blend in with the others and no one would notice her riding away.

Protecting her eyes from flying debris, she scanned the sky looking for the spreading branches of the maple above the cloudy air. She scrambled the last few feet, searching for the only horse legs not moving. She’d almost reached the edge of the site when a pair of striped hooves stopped in front of her.

Bethany froze and looked up, way, way up, into the scowling face of a fierce man. Wait, how’d she miss the horse’s head? The butt of a spear hit the ground before her hands and she jerked back, falling to her ass again. So much for being a lady. Her mother would’ve been appalled.

The dust cleared a little more and she got a good look at the man mounted before her. Except he wasn’t mounted. The horse’s shoulders and chest sprouted from where his human legs should be, and the spot where his man parts should hang…

“Oh lordy, I don’t think I’m in Kentucky anymore.”

The centaur’s scowl only deepened. He bent at what would be a human waist, leaning on his spear and stuck his nose no more than six inches from hers.

“What are you?”

Bethany gaped at the bearded face before her. She hadn’t expected his voice to be so musical or smooth when coupled with such a harsh visage. “I…”

“What are you? Druid? Gorgon?”

Bethany drew back. “Wait, what? No, I’m human.”

Deep brown eyes scanned her face, the scowl never leaving his features. “Humans are a myth.”

Hungarian Potato Salad

Potato Salad is a very common side dish at a lot of celebrations and events. Most of the time, it’s brought to barbecues with burgers and hotdogs. But this version is the best I’ve ever eaten and is incredibly simple.

2-5 lbs of potatoes (we like to use red)
1 medium onion
1-2 cups Mayonnaise

Put the potatoes in a stockpot, whole, and cover with water with about two inches of water above them. Add a little salt and set the pot to boil. Cover and boil for about 45 minutes or until the potatoes easily slip off the tines of a fork when stabbed.

Peel your onion and cut it into thin discs, no more than a quarter of an inch wide. Cut the discs in half and throw into a bowl. Add at least 1Tbsp of salt to the onions and mix it in with your hands until completely coated. Set aside to dehydrate.

Set out two bowls, one large, one medium, and a pot of ice water for blanching. When the potatoes are done boiling, drain off the water. These potatoes will be VERY HOT, so take one at a time and drop into the ice water for a few seconds, then peel over the medium bowl with a blade of a knife.

Once the potato is peeled, slice in discs into the large bowl. Continue with all potatoes.

Squeeze the liquid out of the onions and add them to the bowl. Add the mayonnaise and stir gently until completely coated. Serve immediately.

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