Letter to the Editor: 5 Accomplishments This Week

Good morning! Are you feeling fired up? Are you feeling ACCOMPLISHED? Good, because we need more of that around here. We all know, according to the “Doggie” group that Americans, particularly government civilian workers, are just lazy and get nothing done. You know, the same people who only take 2 weeks (a fortnight, 14 days) off…

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Letter to the Editor: Firing Probationary Employees is illegal

I’d like to address some illegal action on the part of the cheeto traitor and his pet Muskrat. Firing probationary employees. It’s actually illegal. Yup, you heard that right. And you know who the biggest group of probationary governmental employees are? U.S. military veterans. Our government promised veterans over seventy years ago that they’d be…

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Letter to the Editor: OPM Lies

Oh man. Have you seen the news? I’m sure you’ve read the latest lies the Office of Personnel Management has posted at the Muskrat’s direction. The thing is, all of them are lies and can get civilian government workers in trouble if they take the deal. You can read the whole set of lies right…

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Blogging: How it all came full circle

Well, isn’t this a fine kettle of fish? Blogging is coming back because social media “networks” aren’t for humans anymore. Yeah, it doesn’t make sense to me, either. I mean, the whole definition of “social media” is to connect with other humans. Right? Apparently not. Between the Muskrat destroying Twitter and Zuckersucks filling FB with…

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Recipe for Romance: Scratch Chicken

Recipe for Romance Two champagne glasses against a purple sparkly background with bells and ribbons at their base

Welcome to Recipe for Romance! Each weekend, I share a snippet of a tale that either takes place in the current month (in this case, February) or is coming out in the current month, and a recipe that either goes with the tale or goes with the month. Confused yet? Excellent! lol Let’s get started.…

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Woops (whups? Uh-oh)! I’ve been so Distracted

Hey y’all! I’m so sorry I haven’t been here. Between the election (where I ran for the local school board) and Twitter dying (isn’t it just amazing?) and #NaNoWriMo, I’ve been really distracted and I didn’t post anything. So here are some images with what’s been going on. At the end of October, I released…

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Adding a Little Art to my Office and World

Do y’all know about Etsy? Yeah, I shouldn’t go there. It’s dangerous. But I’ve been eyeing some art prints from Purple Top Hat (purpletophat.etsy.com) because her work is whimsical and beautiful and makes me so darn happy. They arrived in the mail yesterday and today I got them framed on my wall. From left to…

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Making Gluten-Free Rosemary Sandwich Bread with Siobhan Muir

Have you ever just wanted a sandwich but most gluten-free bread tastes a lot like sawdust and cardboard? This is a great recipe that will  totally win you over. Muirlette #1 swears by it and it’s made lunchtime a much happier experience. The rosemary addition is completely optional, but it does give a nice  flavor…

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Making Gramma’s Gluten-Free Lemon Bars with Siobhan Muir

Do you love lemon bars? This recipe has been a Muir family favorite for  generations (four so far) and yet it’s an easy recipe to make a sweet  delicious treat. Can be made with regular all purpose flour if you don’t  have the gluten allergy. Recipe below: For a 9 x 9 in pan: 1…

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