#ThursThreads – Tying Tales Together – Week 618

Tying Tales Together, #ThursThreads Year 11 Got a tale to tie on?

Welcome back to the home of #ThursThreads for Week 618.

Today is Thursday and that means it’s time to start flashing on #ThursThreads, the challenge that ties tales together. Want to keep up each week? Check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction group on Facebook and the Group on MeWe.

Need the rules? Read on.

Here’s how it works:

  • The prompt is a line from the previous week’s winning tale.
  • The prompt can appear ANYWHERE in your story and is included in your word count.
  • The prompt must be used as is. It can be split, but no intervening words can be inserted or tenses changed.

Rules to the Game:

  • This is a Flash Fiction challenge, which means your story must be a minimum of 100 words, maximum of 250.
  • The story must be new writing, not a snippet from something published elsewhere with the prompt added.
  • Incorporate the prompt anywhere into your story (included in your word count).
  • Post your story in the comments section of this post
  • Include your word count in the post (or be excluded from judging)
  • Include your social media handle or email in the post (so we easily notify you)
  • The challenge is open 7 AM to 8 PM Mountain Time
  • The winner will be announced on Friday, depending on how early the judge gets up.

How it benefits you:

  • You get a nifty cool badge to display on your blog or site (because we’re all about promotion – you know you are!)
  • You get instant recognition of your writing prowess on this blog!
  • Your writing colleagues shall announce and proclaim your greatness on Facebook, Bluesky, MeWe, and Mastodon, etc.

Our Judge for Week 618:

Scottish Word Slinger, Dauntless romance author, and #ThursThreads host, Siobhan Muir.

Facebook | Bluesky | Patreon | Eden Books |

And now your #ThursThreads Challenge, tying tales together.

The Prompt:

“They can try to kill me.”

All stories written herein are the property (both intellectual and physical) of the authors. Comments do not represent the views of the host and the host reserves the right to remove any content. Now, away with you, Flash Fiction Fanatics, and show us your #ThursThreads. Good luck!

11 Replies to “#ThursThreads – Tying Tales Together – Week 618”

  1. The Speech

    “He’s looking a little…what’s the word, Junior?”

    “It’s your word, Bro. If you can’t think of it, no skin off my nose…”

    “Your nose…plenty chaffed…”

    “Let’s not go there. My nose these days is as pure as the driven…anyways, the word you’re struggling to spit out is…reflective…”

    “Yeah. Wow! Reflective! Never would have imagined that he’d be reflective.”

    “There may be a couple of other words as well. Chastened comes to mind.”

    “Yeah! Wow! Chastened! Another mystery emotion.”

    “It’s up to us little Bro, to support him through this. And there’s the speech.”

    “He’s gonna change it, right?”

    “That’s the plan. You don’t shake hands with the devil, get up, pump your fist, and walk away without it changing you in some way.”

    “You think he’s changed? The Old Man?”

    “Oh, yeah. I mean, he hasn’t had a burger and fries since the shooting. Unless he snuck some in when I wasn’t looking.”

    “The Secret Service usually makes a burger run for him…extra security now so…”

    “Maybe. Back to the speech. He’s rewritten it?”

    “Talked to him about that. Here’s the plan. Get up there. Savor the applause. Wave…begin with “They can try to kill me. Already have once. But nothing can kill a great idea. America First is a Great Idea.”

    “I like it. That’ll get a standing ovation.”

    “You bet your tooties it will. And we’ll be there with him. People need to know. The Dynasty will prevail. Lets go get a burger.”

    “Great idea, Bro.”

    250 words

  2. The light streaming through the windows of his borrowed room suggested the sun was well up and heading toward afternoon, and Martin’s body felt as if someone had tied it down for all the stiffness. Groaning, he rotated his hips to get his feet to the floor and stopped dead. The whole body locked up as if it had been disconnected from his brain. Thank fuck his breathing and heart continued on their own. The seizures felt deadly.

    They can try to kill me, but I’m still here.

    The docs had said shit like this would happen, but he hadn’t had an attack in a while, and he’d hoped they’d be gone. He sat there and forced himself not to panic, closing his eyes as he continued to breathe. Panicking wasted energy. His therapist had told him to just envision himself in hostile territory where he had to stay absolutely still until the enemy combatants had moved on. When his body released, that was when he was free to move.

    While it wasn’t completely accurate, it did help him to calm his heartrate and wait for the return of control. It took only five minutes, but there was this weird click in his head, and sensation returned to his limbs. Martin took a deep breath and scrubbed his face, feeling tired.

    “Holy shit. Was that an attack?”

    Corbin’s voice made him look up at the doorway. “Yup.”

    “That’s insane.”

    Martin nodded. “The only easy day was yesterday.”

    247 ineligible #WIP words

  3. “They can try to kill me and if they succeeded, I’d be a martyr. I would be even stronger in people’s minds and hearts. The fact is though I have no desire to die so, you need to shore up my defenses,” I commented.
    “Don’t tick people off,” my campaign manager insisted.
    “Really? It so easy, when people are mad about every little thing and then there’s politicians who are using their rhetoric to rave up the populace that is uneducated and don’t understand how democracy works.”
    “Maybe that’s the problem, they are outright lying and we don’t call them out on their lies. We just say that’s not true and don’t show the people who they really are.”
    “We’ve tried telling them the truth, but it’s like they’re in a cult and they follow the actions and the words of their leader like it’s gospel,” I protested.
    “Don’t bring religion that loses the election.”
    “Everything is offensive. Why can’t it be about the needs of the people. Housing, food and jobs?”
    “Appease this one and that one who gave us campaign funding, easy.”
    “I got into this to help.”
    “Go tell the people in your speech.”
    I gave my speech the liar gave his.
    I preached about the right to vote and accessing it the people listened, I won. Now I’m my fighting corporate overlords so, the people truly win. As I told them in my speech, I am of the people, for the people, it shall be done.
    250 words

  4. The ruby red liquid swirled in the Irish crystal snifter. Maura wrapped both hands around the glass to keep them from shaking as she lifted it to her lips and sipped the brandy.

    “Are ya afraid of me then?” Ronan’s voice, soft and lilting with his native Ireland wrapped around her.

    She was quick to answer. “No. Never of you.” She inhaled deeply to settle. “Afraid for you? That’s a different question.”

    “And why would ya be afraid for me?”

    She leveled a look on him filled with consternation. “Seriously? You’re trying to take over the entire Irish mob here in Boston.” At his chuckled her eyes widened. “Oh, crap. You and Brian are planning on going bigger, aren’t you. You want the whole damn state.”

    Ronan was truly amused now. “And?”

    “Don’t get flippant, Ronan.”

    He settled back into his chair and sipped his whiskey. “Would that be a…roadblock?”

    “A roadblock to what?”

    “To us, Maura. You and me.”

    She didn’t sip the brandy this time, she gulped it. “There’s no choice there.” His arched brow infuriated her. “I have a question but I want a serious answer.” Her penetrating gaze lasered into him. She didn’t continue, waiting, he guessed, for some sign from him. He offered the barest nod of his head. Once he made the gesture, she said, “What’s the worse they will do?”

    “They can try to kill me.”


    “I’m hard to kill.”

    Later, she would remember that she’d muttered, “Famous last words.”
    249 Boston Wolves WIP
    Silver James

  5. Walking through his club, most people would make the mistake that he was human, that he was mortal. Sure, there was something usually magnetic about him, an aura that drew people in, but that didn’t mean he was anything more than a charismatic club owner.

    They would be mistaken.

    He was those things–charismatic, magnetic, the life of the party–but he was not human or even mortal. He rather enjoyed the charade. It meant most people underestimated him, much to their determent.

    Leaning against the edge of the bar, he surveyed the dance floor. His patrons were enjoying themselves getting lost in the music, the booze, and whatever extracurriculars they brought with them.

    His head bartender tapped his elbow as he deposited a fresh drink next to him. “Hey Boss.”


    “There’s a group of men at the freight entrance that want to talk to you about a deal.”

    The boss sighed and quickly downed his drink. “Took them long enough to show up.”

    The younger man looked uneasy. “They are all clearly packing. Do you want me to call the cops?”

    Setting his empty glass down, the boss chuckled. “Certainly not. No need to get law enforcement involved in this. They can try to kill me, but they will find it rather difficult.”

    The bartender nodded. If his boss wasn’t worried, then he wasn’t either. He had seen too much in his time here to not acknowledge that his boss was extremely capable of taking care of himself.

    250 Words

  6. “Meadows, we have another case of wine for the Malas penthouse.”

    My boss doesn’t look up from her tablet. But in my head, I can hear the evil laughter.

    “Ah, come on, Mrs. Davis! Shouldn’t Steve take that one? He has a truck.”

    Her horn rim magnified eyes cut mercilessly into me.

    “Mr. Malas’ building is only three blocks from here. We might need Anderson if we get an order further away.”

    Everyone knows what a bitch Kathy Davis is. The woman was born to be a middle manager. So running a downtown gig warehouse basically lets her be the devil of her own little hell. And I’m her favorite punching bag. Probably because I don’t have a car. Or a license.

    I get on it, because what else can I do? She gives me every heavy or awkward delivery she can without risking the order too much. That’s the problem with gig work. Officially, I work for myself so I’m doing this to myself. They can try to kill me, and I can’t do anything about it.

    I can’t even imagine my superhero roommate scaring my boss into cleaning up her act. My image of Jian as incorruptible is worth more to me than my own life.

    208 Mind and Body words

  7. The storm surge swept into the village. The wall of water washed away homes, shops, everything. People clung to the debris, trying to stay alive, not to drown, not to be swept away. People died. Men, women, even children.

    It took time but eventually Sunshine’s anger faded. The storm surge retreated slowly, leaving the village in ruins. Sunshine walked through the remains. Those who survived ran from her. Hid from her.

    “No more!” she screamed. “No more killing the children!”

    “They can try to kill me,” she thought, as she walked through the few survivors. “They will fail.”

    One woman screamed at Sunshine, “Leave us alone, witch! What did we ever do to you!”

    “No more killing the children!”

    “We don’t kill our children! We only kill demons and witches!”

    “No more!” Thunder erupted from the sky, and lightning struck the ground between Sunshine and the woman. “No more killing the children!”

    The woman looked around at the ruin of the village, “No more killing us!” She charged at Sunshine. “Die, witch!”

    The lightning struck again this time it did not miss the woman. “No more!”

    The wind picked up once more, and the storm returned with lashing wind and torrential rain. “No more!”

    The survivors scattered. They ran in all directions. They ran from the witch in their midst. An angry witch. They ran in panic, without thinking, for their lives. Until Sunshine was left alone.

    The machines finally spoke. “They will learn nothing.”

    245 Words

  8. “They can try to kill me. But they will find it a little difficult. Or a lot.” Xiyu gave Misau a toothy grin. “I will even give you a chance to try to kill me. But even your oder of warriors will be hard pressed.”

    Her eyes narrowed as her hand clenched around the hilt of her sword. It was a nice day dream to separate that smug head from the shoulders. “You are so confident that I can’t do it? That has been a downfall of other opponents.”

    “Not at all. I am aware of your skill. I have seen  you fight after all. I’m merely saying that due to my own nature,” He put a hand to his chest and gave a short bow. “There is a specific means to do it and I tend to make sure any knowledge has been wiped from this earth. No written or spoken verse. My self-preservation is very high.”

    Misau’s jaw clenched and she blew out a short breath through her nose. “Do not come near my client and will won’t have an issue. But the moment you try to pull her into whatever plot you are doing, I will definitely have an issue with it and find anything under the sun and beyond to find a way to end your life.”

    236 words

  9. “They can try to kill me.” I take a bite of my apple and shrug, setting the ‘Wanted’ notice on the ground. “Whether they succeed is a different story.” The words ‘Dead or Alive’ glare at me from the parchment in the dancing fire light.

    “You’re surprisingly cavalier for someone with a bounty on their head.” Nolan sits beside me, grabs the notice, crumples it into a ball, and throws it in the fire.

    “It’s not like they’d be the first, and I’m sure they won’t be the last.” Being not just a princess, but the appointed royal mage comes with as many dangers as it does perks. I might not be directly in line for the throne since abdicating my birthright in favor of magical studies, but there has never been any shortage of people trying to get closer to the crown. “Besides, figuring out who the real assassin can’t possibly be that difficult.”

    “And yet here we are, on the run.”

    “I’ll admit, it’s not ideal.” It’s only been a day, but the look of dismay and betrayal on my sister’s face will haunt me forever. I’m trying not to think about how easily she could believe I’d try to hurt her. Especially after everything I’ve done to protect her and her wife.


    “We’ll be fine.” I toss the apple core into the fire. “We have to be. Celeste and Kieran’s lives depend on it.”

    Nolan doesn’t argue, and I’ve never been more grateful for his silence.

    250 untitled fantasy wip words

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