#ThursThreads – Week 616 – Winners

Tying Tales Together, #ThursThreads Year 11 Got a tale to tie on?

Week 616 of #ThursThreads was a success, and y’all never disappoint. Thank you to everyone who writes each week. You are why we’re still doing this.

If you’ve just found us, welcome to the crew! May you come back again and write more great flash. A thousand thanks to George Varhalmi for judging this week. Follow Siobhan Muir on Bluesky or check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction group on Facebook or the #ThursThreads Group on MeWe to keep up with news, etc.


  • Bill Engleson 
  • Kelly Heinen
  • Sheilagh Lee
  • Silver James
  • Eric Martell
  • David A. Ludwig 
  • Siobhan Muir 
  • Miranda Gammella
  • Mark Ethridge 

George says: There were four incredible stories. Each one portrayed a different complex emotion. The separating quality came down to the activity level of the writing. In two there was active interaction that drove the story whereas the other two focused more on headspace contemplation. All of the following tales were incredibly good and I enjoyed each one immensely. Thank you, Siobhan, for letting me be your judge this week.

Honorable Mentions

Mark Ethridge | Website

George says: Mark’s story came in as an extremely close second for the winner. It is my first honorable mention for the powerful interaction between Sunshine and a machine. The building fury is palpable. “Hell hath no fury” is going to take on a whole new meaning in the coming future not for being scorned but for pure outrage. I felt her anger in her interaction and the tale ended exactly where it needed to be for the challenge. What an excellent tale, Mark, thank you for writing it.

David A. Ludwig | Website

George says: Fanboy geekdom at its finest. This was a great tale, David, it made me laugh. I loved it. The interaction between Jian and the protagonist is sweet and one I enjoyed. The headspace conversation at the beginning of the tale was good but it felt like a backstory entry into the tale which shortened the interaction which was the true gem of the tale. I look forward to seeing where that interaction could go. It was a funny, geeky tale of two souls meeting in an accidental way. Thank you, David, for sharing your tale.

Miranda Gammella | Website

George says: Oh my god, I would be in the same shape should my loved one return from the dead. Trying to grasp what on earth is happening, how, and all of the other chaotic thoughts. This was an excellent piece from the internal view of the protagonist trying to understand what is happening in his headspace. What I would love to see (and maybe it’s in a future tale for someone else to read) is how her conversation went with her doctor (who was struggling as much as the main protagonist on what is going on). That’s an interaction I’d love for her to have and how it goes. Miranda this was a great tale and thank you for letting me read it.

winner announcement

Week 616 Winner

Silver James

George says: This was a challenging decision between a story with compassion versus a growing furor about to unleash. Silver’s story came out on top for its compassion. The active interaction between Declan and Maggie was powerful yet filled with fiery compassion. Something went drastically wrong for Maggie that day, Declan knew it and could see. In this tale, he put down the swagger (of previous tales I have read) to bring in the humanity of the situation. This was a great tale, Silver, and an enjoyable read.

Maggie glanced at her watch feeling rumpled and out of sorts. Declan sat across the room in his tailored slacks and starched shirt looking like he’d stepped out of a magazine. Her purple scrubs held a stains that could be any number of body fluids. She’d dealt with them all during her shift. Why had she knocked on his door instead of her own place next door?

“Why are you here, Maggie?”

His voice was warm and soft like a caress. She knew the answer but couldn’t bring herself to admit it. “Because I didn’t want to be alone.” The words were out and she couldn’t call them back. So okay, maybe she could admit to her loneliness—which hadn’t been a problem until she met this enigmatic man.

“Then you can stay.” A wicked gleam lit his eyes.

“I wouldn’t want to intrude on your hospitality.”

Declan burst out laughing. “If this is a hint of your bedside manner, remind me to stay out of your hospital.”

“Fine. You don’t want my company—” She marched toward the front hallway but he snagged her arm before she got even halfway across the room.

“Ease down, Maggie. You’ve had a hard day. I can see it in your eyes. Still, it’s good to know your temper lurks there under the sadness. Come. Sit down. I’ll get you some wine and you can tell me about your day.”

“I’d rather have a beer.”

“A girl after m’own heart then. Good to know.”

Congratulations SIXTY-SEVEN TIME WINNER Silver, and Honorable Mentions David, Miranda! Don’t forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it!

Please email Siobhan to get your prizes at muir.siobhan@gmail.com

Pass on the great news on Facebook, MeWe, Bluesky, Mastodon, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the original tales HERE. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! 🙂

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