Week 637 of #ThursThreads was a success, and y’all never disappoint. Thank you to everyone who writes each week. You are why we’re still doing this, and why we’ve made it 12 YEARS!
If you’ve just found us, welcome to the crew! May you come back again and write more great flash. A thousand thanks to Muirlette #1 for judging this week. Follow Siobhan Muir on Bluesky or check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction group on Facebook or the #ThursThreads Group on MeWe to keep up with news, etc.
- Bill Engleson
- Kelly Heinen
- Eric Martell
- Silver James
- Mark Ethridge
- David A. Ludwig
- Siobhan Muir
- Patty Dump
- Nellie Batz
- Sandra L. Penrod
- Kyle
Honorable Mentions
Nellie Batz | Website
Muirlette says: I really like the feeling and emotion in this story, even though the prompt wasn’t exactly right. The love and connection makes it really heartfelt. I’d love to know what happened or where it goes from here. Great job.
Sandra L. Penrod | Website
Muirlette says: I really liked the twist at the end. I honestly thought they were actually in jail, but it turns out they’re not? That was cool, and I’d love to see how it progresses.
Bill Engleson | Website
Muirlette says: I was greatly entertained by the whole conversation. It took me all the way to the end to realize it was between two cats. I really enjoyed this story.
winner announcement

Week 637 Winner
Muirlette says: I really love the snarkiness of this tale. And I find it really interesting that Death works as a nurse in a hospital by day. Funny and cute, very well done.
We’re in this together he said. You can’t back out he said. Yeah, well, your Council threw an almighty fit, too. Oh no! A woman! And now I’m stuck in this job I don’t want, for two hundred years.
I’m all for breaking into roles traditionally filled by men, but this one the men could’ve kept. I am The One True Death, Adrianna RN by day, approver of expired hour glasses by night. The irony is not lost on me.
“All right, deary, time to review the crossovers for tonight!” Petunia, my secretary, bustles in, kitten heels clicking on the stone floor. “How was work today?”
“Slow, which was nice. We’ve been hit hard with the usual winter illnesses, and beings we only have 25 beds, that’s a lot of transfer paperwork.”
Being a charge nurse in the ER at a rural intake hospital means paperwork when we transfer patients to bigger hospitals; being in charge of Death means signing off on people dying.
“Eleanor MacAtee? She was doing better when I left.”
Petunia looks at her list. “Yes, it seems she took a turn for the worst. They do go quickly, don’t they?”
“So they do.”
I scan each hour glass and before long, the Deathers, who crossover the souls of the Dead, start arriving. Petunia hands out lists and when it’s quiet again, I sit at the huge, carved desk in the even bigger office. Maybe I could love this job in the future. But not now.
Congratulations TWENTY-THREE TIME WINNER Kelly, and Honorable Mentions Nellie, Sandra, and Bill! Don’t forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it!
Pass on the great news on Facebook, MeWe, Bluesky, Mastodon, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the original tales HERE. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! 🙂