Wow. Six Hundred Weeks of writing flash fiction.
I’m blown away! Well done and thank you to everyone who wrote this week and writes each week. You made this happen. May you come back again and write more great flash. A thousand thanks to George Varhalmi for judging this week. Check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction group on Facebook or the #ThursThreads Group on MeWe to keep up with news, etc.
- Bill Engleson
- Melissa Bennett
- Sheilagh Lee
- Nellie Batz
- Alex Minns
- Siobhan Muir
- David A. Ludwig
- Eric Martell
- Kelly Heinen
- Katheryn J. Avila
- M.T. Decker
- Louisa Bacio
George says: First off, this was a really hard challenge to meet there, Siobhan, but truly worthy of a week 600 challenge. Having to pick five winners for specific categories was difficult but a lot of fun in the end. Thank you for letting me have the honor of the challenge. In short there were a lot of great stories and many categories came down to a toss-up.
Honorable Mention
Katheryn J. Avila | Website
George says: It was a sad but sweet tale of a love lost. Filled with strong emotion it was poignant of how their relationship drifted apart. A lost romance that it feels like neither individual really knew how to salvage. Very good story.
Best Suspense Tale
Bill Engleson | Website
George says: This was a great suspense tale ending with urgency. It started off slow that escalated quickly making it a thrilling piece of suspense. Nicely done. Now the rush is on if Danny can get to June in time.
Best LGBTQ+ Tale
Siobhan Muir | Website
George says: While technically ineligible as the host of the blog. As the sole LGBTQIA+ tale, I felt it still needed to be called out and acknowledged. It was an excellent piece with added suspense. Well written and what a great ending.
Most Romantic Tale
M.T. Decker | Website
George says: While it is a great piece of science fiction I found it to be more on the romantic side. Great setup. Even in an alien society, the world may not be ready for the love they share. It was poignant and heartfelt.
Best Sci-Fi Tale
David A. Ludwig | Website
George says: While the focus may have been on Gemini through the eyes of Helen, she let her skills or multiples step in during a time of urgency, maybe breaking out her secret unintentionally. What a great ending and tale. Curious to see where it goes.
winner announcement

Week 600 Winner
George says: This was an awesome tale and the overall winner this week. Dad’s having a little difficulty with retirement and passing the reins to the next version of Death. His office, that is so funny, is not what it used to be so how to up the ante, focus on a non-existent heir and create doubt. That was insidious.
Framed photos of my family line the stone walls of my office. It is worth noting that photography will not be invented for another twenty years. My family have always been ahead of the times.
“You’ve moved all my stuff.”
My father settles into the wooden chair that sits in front of my desk. The red cushion disappears under his black robes, as he crosses one leg over the other, steepling his fingers. Realizing that I am sitting the same way, I adjust my position.
“You did ordain me as The One True Death and move into your retirement. Thus, it was natural for me to rearrange the office to my liking.”
“How was your first week on the job?”
“Challenging, as expected. It is not easy approving people to die. However, my Time Keepers and Deathers have done a great job selecting the hour glasses and crossing people over.”
Father glances around the cavern-like room, my framed photos insufficient to mask the thrumming
silence. Father and I have always been close, but suddenly, we feel distant.
“How do you plan to proceed over the next two hundred years?”
I had not given it much thought and say as much. Father stands, his chair grating on the stones, and I flinch.
“Thus far, you lack an heir, and in two hundred years, that will be a problem.”
The door slams behind him, making me think two hundred years will go by quicker than I would prefer.
Congratulations TWENTY TIME WINNER Kelly, Honorable Mention Katheryn, and Genre Winners Bill, Mary, and David! Don’t forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it!
Pass on the great news on Facebook, MeWe, Bluesky, Mastodon, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the original tales HERE. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! 🙂