Snippet Sunday – Maybe Watch Some Netflix

It’s Snippet Sunday and I finally finished the new book in the Concrete Angels MC series! Took me long enough. I guess Quarantine is good for something. I’m showcasing ANGEL INK and it’s coming soon! In this snippet, we’re in Michael’s POV (all in first person) and he’s having coffee with Haley. But she’s ready…

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Snippet Sunday – I Just Had to Wing it

It’s Snippet Sunday and COVID-19 has slowed my work on the third book in the Concrete Angels MC series. But it’s coming and here’s a snippet to enjoy. I’m showcasing ANGEL INK and it’s coming soon! In this snippet, we’re in Michael’s POV (all in first person) and he’s brought Haley to a coffee shop…

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Snippet Sunday – Fly-By Kisses

It’s Snippet Sunday and we’re all stuck at home, lol. But that means there’s more time to read and I actually do have a new book coming in the Concrete Angels MC series. Soon, I promise. I’m showcasing ANGEL INK and it’s coming soon! In this snippet, we’re in Michael’s POV (all in first person)…

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Snippet Sunday – What Are You Doing Here?

It’s Snippet Sunday and since we’re all stuck at home given the novel COVID-19 wandering around, I’m showing off the new book coming in the Concrete Angels MC series. I’m showcasing ANGEL INK and it’s coming soon! In this snippet, we’re in Haley Michaels’ POV (all in first person) and she’s just come out from…

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Snippet Sunday – Ninja-Level Calm

It’s Snippet Sunday and I finally have a new book coming in the Concrete Angels MC series. Plus you get to see the cover for the first time. Woot! I’m showcasing ANGEL INK and it’s coming soon! In this snippet, we’re in Haley Michaels’ POV (all in first person) and she got out of the…

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Snippet Sunday – Yippy-Kai-Yay

It’s Snippet Sunday and I finally have a new book coming in the Concrete Angels MC series. It’s already March. Where the heck is the year going? Who said it could go this fast? Did someone speed it up? I’m showcasing ANGEL INK and it’s coming soon! In this snippet, we’re in Haley Michaels’ POV…

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Snippet Sunday – Think Forensics

It’s Snippet Sunday and I finally have a new book coming in the Concrete Angels MC series. It’s getting closer. Woot! I’m showcasing ANGEL INK and it’s coming soon! In this snippet, we’re in Haley Michaels’ POV (all in first person) and we’re picking up a few lines down from last week’s snippet. She’s hiding…

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Snippet Sunday – Police Your Brass

It’s Snippet Sunday and I finally have a new book coming in the Concrete Angels MC series. Plus you get to enjoy the cover. Woot! I’m showcasing ANGEL INK and it’s coming soon! In this snippet, we’re in Haley Michaels’ POV (all in first person) and she’s at a Valentine’s Day party of the movers…

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Snippet Sunday – It’s an Illusion

It’s Snippet Sunday and I finally have a new book coming in the Concrete Angels MC series. Plus you get to see the cover for the first time. Woot! I’m showcasing ANGEL INK and it’s coming soon! In this snippet, we’re in Haley Michaels’ POV (all in first person) and she’s a the Denver Museum…

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Snippet Sunday – Kiddie Pool

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and I’m on a deadline. Yay me. The Triple Star Ranch series now has three books, ROPE A FALLING STAR and STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT ,and STAR SPANGLED BANNER. In this snippet, Dr. Suzie is heading home for the night. ~~~~~~ A few moments later, Enrique emerged from the Bunkhouse…

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