It’s time for Snippet Sunday and it’s the New Year! Woohoo! Okay, I’m also in a new house and I’m ready for a new writing year, so bring on the new.
The Triple Star Ranch series now has three books, ROPE A FALLING STAR, STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT , and STAR SPANGLED BANNER now out! Yay! You not only see the old favorite characters but meet some new ones.
In this snippet, Enrique is seeing Suzie for the first time in her work environment and it doesn’t go quite the way he thought it would.
Suzie frowned as she scanned the orders from Dr. Lyttle. “Shoveling, tossing hay, and lunging horses are out. Those jobs will pull too much on his arms and torso.” She shot Enrique an apologetic smile. “But grooming, with the exception of using a hoof pick, grain distribution, and helping Doc Bright hold the animals would be fine.”
“Damn, Doc, that’s a lot of standing around. Can I at least go running?”
She shook her head. “Not for another week or so. I know you Navy SpecOps types. You don’t just jog, you push your bodies until they break, which isn’t conducive to healing a punctured lung. Given how healthy you were before the fall, I suspect your body will heal faster than most ordinary folks, but you have to give it a chance.”
Enrique couldn’t help the scowl pulling at his lips.
“I know it’s not what you wanted to hear, but I won’t undo all the healing your body has already done. You didn’t think I’d just let you run around here, did you?”
“Leave anything for me to do that’s real heavy.” Tom clapped a hand on Enrique’s shoulder. “Trust me, draggin’ around a grain wagon one-handed will get you winded, especially after restin’ for a few weeks. I won’t let you get soft, Sanchez.”
Enrique tightened his jaw and nodded sharply, hating his injured status all over again. Guess Lyttle was right and Suzie’s a hardass at work. He didn’t like being proved wrong but there wasn’t much he could do about it.
Suzie doesn’t fool around when it comes to her job. There are several great authors on the Weekend Writer Warriors list, the Snippet Sunday Facebook group, and the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. A few of my favorites are, P.T. Wyant, Karen Michelle Nutt, Veronica Scott, Jessica Subject, Kathy Griffith Karysa Faire, and Iris Blobel.
Here’s the blurb for STAR SPANGLED BANNER:
Sometimes a falling star wears a flag…
Dr. Suzie Appleton expected a helluva ride in the barrel-racing championships at Cheyenne Frontier Days rodeo, but she had no idea she’d have to save a man falling from the sky. When he calls her for a date, she’s hesitant, but there’s something sexy and seductive about the Leap Frog, and she takes a chance. She suggests he come to the Triple Star Ranch for his therapy to have more time with him before he returns to jumping out of airplanes.
Petty Officer Enrique Sanchez signed up to serve his country and expected to get shot at, just not during an exhibition jump at a rodeo. But the sexy doctor who saved his life in the arena is willing to sign off on his transfer on one condition: that he’s not her patient. Works for Enrique. He’d much rather play doctor with her than have her white coat get in the way of their personal relationship.
While the attraction between them isn’t one-sided, neither are the threats. Someone is trying to complete their attempt on Enrique’s life, and someone else has their sights set on Suzie. Rumors and lies threaten to destroy their relationship. But all’s fair in love and war, and both of them could lose big.
I enjoy her realistic approach and understand his being upset at all the restrictions. Both characters’ reactions are so true to life! Another excellent excerpt indeed…