Welcome to the party! Can you believe it’s been 9 years since I was first published? I’ve come a long way since then, and I have over 30 books in my backlist – with several more coming this year!
Thank you all for joining me on this crazy adventure of writing. I appreciate it.
Now for the good stuff. Y’all are here for the Giveaway, right? lol Okay then.
It’s pretty easy. All you have to do is promote the giveaway on social media, leave a comment here on the blog, and fill out the Google Form below. That’s it.
What are you going to win? A hand knitted scarf in black, gray, and white made by Muirlette #1, a homemade pin with a heart locket, a heart jewel, and hope charms, a pair of hot teddy bear hero earmuffs, and a signed copy of HER DEVOTED VAMPIRE, the book that started it all.
Now there are a few things you might need to fill out the form.
Promote the giveaway on various social media networks. Here are some sample posts to use:
Facebook/MeWe post: It’s been 9 years and Siobhan Muir is celebrating with an opportunity to get handmade goodies. Stop by her blog and get your chance to win. #romance #authorversary #NineYearsGoodLove https://siobhanmuir.com/siobhan-muirs-9th-authorversary-giveaway/
Twitter post: @SiobhanMuir is celebrating 9 years of #romance with a #giveaway to get handmade goodies. Stop by her blog and get your chance to win. #authorversary #NineYearsGoodLove https://siobhanmuir.com/siobhan-muirs-9th-authorversary-giveaway/
Instagram post: @siobhan_muir is celebrating 9 years of #romance with a #giveaway to get handmade goodies. Stop by her blog and get your chance to win. #authorversary #NineYearsGoodLove https://siobhanmuir.com/siobhan-muirs-9th-authorversary-giveaway/
Click on the links below to follow me on the social media networks:
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | MeWe | Pinterest |
Join my newsletter.
Leave a blog comment telling me the first book of mine that you read. If you haven’t read one yet, just list the one that most interests you to read.
Fill out the form by clicking on the button.
That’s it. Thank you for joining me and helping me reach others who might enjoy my books. You must be 18 years or older to win and please void where prohibited. The contest runs from February 14 through March 12 2021. Winner will be contacted within 24 hours of the event closing and you must respond within 48 hours of the announcement or a new winner will be chosen.
Good luck and happy reading!
I think the first book I read was one of the Cloudburst, Colorado books. The one with the lady in sunglasses on the cover. I’ll have to look up the title; they’re always so clever.
I’m so glad you liked Cloudburst, Chandra. There are at least four more tales coming in that series and there are 7 out now.
First book I read was Bronco’s Rough Ride I believe lol! I’ve read so many that it is hard to keep track. Congrats on your 9th Anniversary! Keep the great stories coming!
Hehehe I’m so glad it’s hard to keep track, Teressa. Bronco was one of my favorites to write.
Shared on social media.
Thank you very much, Michelle.
The Cloudburst, CO books are how I got acquainted .
Oh that’s a good series to start with, Tracey. There are 7 books now and 4 more coming.
The first book was Bronco’s Rough Ride. Congratulations
Thank you very much, Erin. I think a lot of people first met me when I joined Cat Johnson’s KindleWorld and the Navy SEALs. I’m so glad you’ve stuck with me.
First book I read was Cloudburst Ice Magic. Loved it! Congrats on the authorversary!!