Good morning and Happy Monday!
And Happy President’s Day if you celebrate. This is a day that many people take off (if they don’t work in retail or the food services). It is one of the few, rare holidays when Americans don’t have to work – Americans, by and large, are workaholics – mostly to survive, so the phrase about being lazy is very common.
But in Late Stage Capitalism, we are in dire need of recalibration of our thoughts. It’s very easy to claim or accuse yourself of being lazy, but that’s just the old programming we need to discard. So here’s your Motivation for this Monday:

We are human BEINGS not human DOINGS, and the “lazy” remark is only for doings. Being human means taking time to rest, recuperate, and relax. You are more than your job, and you deserve time to be yourself in whatever way you need to be.
Take your time, find your space, and rediscover your value in just being you.
Which phrase strikes you the most?
Happy Monday!