Week 606 of #ThursThreads was a success, and y’all never disappoint. Thank you to everyone who writes each week. You are why we’re still doing this.
If you’ve just found us, welcome to the crew! May you come back again and write more great flash. A thousand thanks to Mirra Alure for judging this week. Follow Siobhan Muir on Bluesky or check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction group on Facebook or the #ThursThreads Group on MeWe to keep up with news, etc.
- Bill Engleson
- Siobhan Muir
- Andy Walker
- Joe Hesch
- Sheilagh Lee
- Katheryn J. Avila
- Kelly Heinen
- Eric Martell
- Mark Ethridge
- Louisa Bacio
- Miranda Gammella
- David A. Ludwig
- Daelyn Morgana
Mirra says: The winners used “it’s quiet” as a part of setting the scene and that’s important to me in any story and the honorable mentions usage of it in conversation kept me on my toes to see where they’ll insert it.
Honorable Mentions
Miranda Gammella | Website
Mirra says: Miranda’s story reminds me of how grief will have you question everything. Remind you of memories you thought lost to you. The company of a ghost lingering around providing the only comfort when a lost one transitions. I like that this reminds me that though all different we experience loss sometimes so similarly.
Daelyn Morgana | Website
Mirra says: Daelyn’s story seemed like a smash up of realities. Unless there is another mortician I know I immediately began thinking of the Addams family’s. And this perceptive is new and something I would’ve never thought to do. I also enjoy hearing stories about Greek gods and to see fan fiction surrounding the gods. That drew me in and then the ending gave me a small feeling of foreshadowing.
Joe Hesch | Website
Mirra says: Joe’s story reminds me of home. A snowy day through after fresh snows fallen and everything is crisp and white and still. Right before the morning beat continues like everyday and feet ruin the picturesque scene. His tale painted that scene of a winter romance. Something I think everyone should experience even through reading.
winner announcement

Week 606 Winner
Mirra says: Eric Martell, set a scene. He put me there next to him. Something about the way he wrote this descriptive short tale gave me a sense of melancholy. Makes me want for enjoy the stillness of this scene with him to give focus to my hands and see if I notice something brand new. Well done.
It’s quiet here, this place I come to.
It’s not silent. Silence is scary. My mind fills silence with thoughts and thoughts lead to questions and questions lead to other questions that don’t have answers.
I don’t need answers. I don’t want answers to all the questions. My gods, the responsibilities that would come with that. But the questions without answers – that demand answers – those questions. Those turn into monsters.
There are no monsters here. It’s quiet here.
I choose a flat, smooth rock to sit on. Not perfectly smooth; nature doesn’t do perfect. There are cracks and chips and fissures for my fingers to play with as I watch the wind play with the water.
No storms are blowing in today. Maybe tonight, the radio says, but for now, it’s just a steady breeze. The water pushes forward and pulls back, leaving itinerant pools and eddies that will vanish with the next inflow. The air does the same thing, all unseen. I feel it around me, in the space between a susurration and a murmur. It’s not that irritating sibilance of a too-distant whisper that draws your attention but provides no resolution, but the comforting quiet of white noise.
I’m by myself on the beach, but I’m not alone. Being alone tends to make me sad. My family is back in our room at the hotel giving me space to be by myself.
To be with myself, as long as I need.
I breathe. I exist.
It’s quiet here.
Congratulations TWENTY-NINE TIME WINNER Eric, and Honorable Mentions Miranda, Daelyn, and Joe! Don’t forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it!
Pass on the great news on Facebook, MeWe, Bluesky, Mastodon, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the original tales HERE. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!