Week 429 of #ThursThreads had many fantastic tales. I’m honored to see all the writers come to tie a tale as we start our ninth year. If you’ve been doing it a while, thank you for sticking with us. If you’ve just found us, welcome! May you come back again and write more great flash. Check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction group on Facebook or the #ThursThreads Group on MeWe to keep up with news, etc.
- Bill Engleson | @billmelaterplea
- Silver James | @SilverJames_
- Catherine Derham | @cathducourau
- Joe Hesch | @JAHesch
- Siobhan Muir | @SiobhanMuir
- David A. Ludwig | @DavidALudwig
- Mark A. Morris
- Liz Munoz | @chattmor
- Sheilagh Lee | @SweetSheil
- Kelly Heinen | @Aightball
- Patty Dump | @pattydump1
- Mary Decker | @mishmhem
- Joel Sandersen | @jsandersen76
- Katheryn J. Avila | @katheryn_avila
Honorable Mentions
Joe Hesch | @JAHesch
Siobhan says: What I liked about this tale is that deals in life need to be honored at death. Not a typical tale by any means, but definitely poignant with the agreement at the end. Nicely done.
Patty Dump | @pattydump1
Siobhan says: This tale had some echoes of the first HM in that life is complex and when faced with death or worse, sometimes those complexities might actually help win the day. Great writing to make me think.
David A. Ludwig | @DavidALudwig
Siobhan says: This tale made me laugh. The best part was when their cyborg friend gave his best “puppy dog look” and said, “Upgrade?” I totally heard the plaintive tone. Thank you for the laugh.
winner announcement

Week 429 Winner
Katheryn J. Avila | @katheryn_avila
Siobhan says: Oh the dilemma of loss, even after the hoped-for win. It made me ache for the narrator in hopes that she’ll get everything she wants, even if she’s not sure it means getting home. Great tale.
The moon yawns wide above us, and stars dancing in the dark. I try to focus on that, on how peaceful it feels. Anything to distract from my own thoughts. With a sigh, I close my eyes and try to sleep.
But I can’t.
So I get up and move to sit beside Valmong, leaning against a fallen tree. A few feet away, Nevari continues to sleep uninterrupted.
“Your watch isn’t for another few hours.” Valmong’s voice is a whisper of concern. In the moonlight, his brow furrows as he watches me join him.
“Can’t sleep.” But I want to rest my head on his shoulder, hold onto him for a little longer. Despite the urge, I don’t. Instead, I opt to hug my legs, resting my head against my knees as I turn to look at him. “Aren’t you worried, about tomorrow?”
“No.” His eyes fall on me. “Are you?”
“A little.” I watch him watch me, amber eyes hidden by the shadows. I know he can see me in the dark, but I wonder if he can read the thoughts clear on my face.
Sure, I’m worried we might fail. But what I can’t admit out loud is that I’m worried about what happens if – when – we succeed. I’ll get to go home.
I’ll never see Valmong again.
How much time do I have left, I wonder, to sit with him like this? Will Claritas zap me home immediately? Or will I get a chance to say good-bye?
Congratulations Nine Time Winner Katheryn, and Honorable Mentions Joe, Patty, and David! Don’t forget to claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it!
Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, MeWe, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the original tales HERE. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! 🙂