Letter to the Editor: Firing Probationary Employees is illegal

I’d like to address some illegal action on the part of the cheeto traitor and his pet Muskrat. Firing probationary employees.

It’s actually illegal. Yup, you heard that right. And you know who the biggest group of probationary governmental employees are?

U.S. military veterans.

Our government promised veterans over seventy years ago that they’d be taken care of when it came to getting jobs in the US government. 

Americans like to think of themselves as heroes. Welp, now is the time. Managers and supervisors of government agencies:


Tell the executive that you need PROOF that your probationary employees haven’t been doing their jobs before you terminate them. It’s a small thing, but if the executive wants all the probationary government employees out, each manager and supervisor needs to demand proof specific to their people that they’ve done something (or not done the job) worth being fired over.

Here’s the deal: this is an illegal action by the executive and something only private businesses can do. Not the government. Don’t let the cheeto traitor and his pet Muskrat try to run the government like a business. We threw out Ross Perot decades ago for claiming he’d do the same thing. The government is meant to serve the people, not make money or profit.

And just to be clear, what’s the purpose of managers and supervisors if there’s no one to manage or supervise? If you don’t stand up for your employees, there will be no one to stand up for you when they come for your job, too. And they will.

Stand up for your new hires. Stand up for veterans. Honor the contracts you offered, and be the hero you claim to be. #resist #BeTheHero

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