Good morning! Got your coffee or tea? I totally understand if you need it today. The first day back to the usual routine after a long holiday weekend is always rough at best. But it’s the last day of #NaNoWriMo and I know you got this. But here’s the best part. Tomorrow is December, and…
Tag: Thoughts & Insights
Monday Motivation: #NaNoWriMo Ahhhhhhh!
#NaNoWriMo has started! *flailing hands and panicked running* Ahem! Okay, back to the regular programming – which I have no idea what that is but it sounds good. How are y’all doing? Are you doing National Novel Writing Month? This is Day Two and hopefully you have your tales started and your word count hummin’…
Wednesday Randomness: Halloween
Good morning! This weekend is Halloween and it’s also the time of Samhain (pronounced Sav-en in Scotland), All Saints Day, and Dia de Los Muertos. I’ve been doing some research on the proper ways to celebrate these holidays for an upcoming book, but I was struck at how much in common these holidays had. For…
Monday Motivation: Prepping for NaNoWriMo
Happy Monday! I know, not your favorite phrase by any stretch of the imagination. But, that’s what I’m here for, right? This weekend I took the plunge and decided to sign up for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) officially. I do it almost every year, but this time I thought I would try to actually…
Monday Motivation: Mr. SM’s Birthday
Good morning and happy Monday. Yeah, yeah, I know, y’all don’t like Mondays very much. But that’s why I’m doing these posts. Not only are they meant to inspire my own creativity, but also yours so we start the week on a positive note. This week starts with Mr. SM’s Birthday! My hot Hungarian Barbarian…
Anniversary – Special Day All the Way Around
Today is my 16th Anniversary with Mr. SM and we’re celebrating with taking walks in the crisp autumn air and watching movies while drinking hot apple cider. We always check to see what the traditional, modern, and alternative anniversary gifts and try to tailor our shared gifts to fit one of the suggestions. This year…
Leaving Facebook: Breaking the Social Media Monopoly
As you might be aware, I’m thinking of leaving Facebook for a variety of reasons, striking off into a better place to interact with readers but also find peace. I’m not heading off into the bush like a hermit, but I’m just not willing to play by the rules Facebook is enacting. I recognize it’s…