Monday Motivation: Better Parties

Great Horned Owl taking flight from Prickly Pear cactus pads. Text: Monday Motivation: Jumpstart your week!

Good morning and Happy Monday! One of the most famous clichés out there is “Misery loves company.” And it’s cliché because everyone has an anecdote of how down people want to bring you down with them. It’s so easy, too. The energy of being down is seductive for some reason. Joy is the same. Or…

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Monday Motivation: I Am

Great Horned Owl taking flight from Prickly Pear cactus pads. Text: Monday Motivation: Jumpstart your week!

Good morning and Happy Monday! There’s a phrase I’ve heard a lot that says, “The mind makes your world.” Often, our minds are filled with all sorts of defeating junk, which is why affirmations are a lot more important than just woo-woo stuff. If you change your mind, you can change your world. So let’s…

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Monday Motivation: The First Step

Great Horned Owl taking flight from Prickly Pear cactus pads. Text: Monday Motivation: Jumpstart your week!

Good morning and Happy Monday! Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! May it be a day of service to others, a day of contemplation on the best things you can do the help yourself and this world. Sometimes that service is resting so you may fight the good fight this year. I know it feels…

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Monday Motivation: Sending Good Vibes

Great Horned Owl taking flight from Prickly Pear cactus pads. Text: Monday Motivation: Jumpstart your week!

Good morning and Happy Monday! Are you ready to start your week again? The great thing about it is you get a new opportunity to change anything you don’t like. So let’s get to it. Let’s do a little visualization for the rest of the year. Sometimes all you need is just to see your…

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Motivation Monday: Happy New Year and New Starts

Great Horned Owl taking flight from Prickly Pear cactus pads. Text: Monday Motivation: Jumpstart your week!

Good morning and Happy Monday! Seems like an odd greeting, I know, but Monday Motivation is all about starting anew, each week. We get 52 of them this year (every year), and 5 of them in January alone. But Mondays don’t have to suck. It’s a great way to start over, each week, after you’ve…

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Adding a Little Art to my Office and World

Do y’all know about Etsy? Yeah, I shouldn’t go there. It’s dangerous. But I’ve been eyeing some art prints from Purple Top Hat ( because her work is whimsical and beautiful and makes me so darn happy. They arrived in the mail yesterday and today I got them framed on my wall. From left to…

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I’m sick to my stomach

I’m sure all of you know about the SCOTUS ruling this morning overturning Roe vs. Wade, a 50 year precedent on privacy. The landmark ruling allowing abortion as a right of privacy has been overturned by a religious and partisan court no longer working in the interests of the American people. I’M FUCKING FURIOUS. Wyoming…

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Struggling but Still Writing

Hey y’all. I’m sorry I haven’t been posting here like usual. I’m struggling to do more than just write my 1K/day and do my workouts to keep up my health. The real world news has  shaken me and that means some things slide. Newsletter, posting here, even my blog. It’s hard to get the energy…

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Writing Progress for 2022 so far…

*Fist Pump* Hit 120,000 words for the year, 30,000 words for the month, and 1414 words for the day. #AmWriting #AmTired lol Thought y’all would like to know that not only am I getting writing done, the story I’m working on right now (a super sekrit project in a new subgenre for me) is getting…

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Have You Backed up Your Website?

As an author and creator, I know all about backups. Save your file after you stop writing, even if you’ve only added a single sentence. Save your file to your hard drive, the external hard drive, and possibly a flash drive. Email your file to yourself so someone else’s servers has a copy and save…

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