Snippet Sunday – I Had to Help

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and school. This week the Muirlettes go back to school and it’s to totally new schools this year. I’m both excited and anxious for them. But I’m trying to stay focused, so I’m showing off ROPE A FALLING STAR in preparation for STAR SPANGLED BANNER coming out in September. In…

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Snippet Sunday – Blue Healer

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and I’m having an adventure around Wyoming. Seems fitting given the stories I’m talking about are the Cheyenne Cowboys. But in the spirit of our famous rodeo, I’m showing off ROPE A FALLING STAR in preparation for STAR SPANGLED BANNER coming out in September. In this snippet, Amber is getting…

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Snippet Sunday – That’s the Knights’ Place

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and it’s August. A few more weeks before school starts for the Muirlettes and we go back to a more regimented schedule. I’m ready. 🙂 But in the spirit of CFD, I’m showing off ROPE A FALLING STAR in preparation for STAR SPANGLED BANNER coming out in September. And if…

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Snippet Sunday – Now What

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and we just ended the 123rd year of Cheyenne Frontier Days. While I love the rodeo I’m always kinda glad when it’s over. Fewer people in town and less craziness. Now it’s the craziness of getting the kids ready for school in the fall. High school and Junior High this…

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Snippet Sunday – Turn Inside Out

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and it’s the end of Cheyenne Frontier Days for the year. While I love the rodeo I’m always kinda glad when it’s over. Fewer people in town and less craziness. But in the spirit of CFD, I’m showing off ROPE A FALLING STAR in preparation for STAR SPANGLED BANNER coming…

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Snippet Sunday – He’s the One

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. I’m working on a new series of books filled with snark, humor, and paranormal bikers, and the third one is coming along. And the fourth is in the works. Today I’m showcasing DUDE WITH A COOL CAR and we’re in Karma’s POV. (all in first person) She’s talking to Viper,…

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Snippet Sunday – Thinking with the Little Head

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. I have a whole new series of books filled with snark, humor, and paranormal bikers. I’m in the middle of writing the third one so I wanted to revisit the second one, which is now available in Kindle Unlimited. Don’t forget, you can either buy books on Amazon as usual…

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Snippet Sunday – Rumor Has It

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. I have a whole new series of books filled with snark, humor, and paranormal bikers. I’m in the middle of writing the third one so I wanted to revisit the second one, which is now available in Kindle Unlimited. Don’t forget, you can either buy books on Amazon as usual…

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Snippet Sunday – She’d Inherited the Dregs

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. Half way through May and three weeks left of school for the Muirlettes. Summer approaches! Today I’m showcasing COURTING THE DRAGON WIDOW and we’re in Denarrion’s POV. He and Lissandra are going shopping for dinner fixin’s and apparently quite a few women are familiar, really familiar, with Denarrion’s more manly…

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Snippet Sunday – Sunset Flight

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. It’s Mother’s Day weekend here in the US and I’m hoping I’ll get a day off to do what I want to do rather than chores. Here’s hoping. Today I’m showcasing COURTING THE DRAGON WIDOW. In snippet, we’re in Denarrion’s POV but Lissandra is the first to speak. They’re getting…

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