Snippet Sunday – Who Was She Really?

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. With all the fires blowing smoke into the air, we’ve had to stay indoors a lot more. It’s almost worse with the pandemic because there’s nowhere we can go. There’s an app you can check out that allows you to know the air quality of your area. It’s called Purple…

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Snippet Sunday – Safe For One Night

It’s time for Snippet Sunday The smoke has gotten worse so we’re hiding inside. So much for doing a little yard work while it’s still warm. Sending blessings to all the firefighters out there battling the blazes in CA, OR, WA, CO, and WY. In happier news, I started writing a serial email story once…

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Snippet Sunday – I’m Headed West

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. So summer ended rather decisively on Tuesday this past week when Cheyenne got down to 28 F and it snowed. Yes, it actually snowed. We had to turn the heat on in the house! It’s finally returning to warmer temps, but I think those are just the warm fall days…

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Snippet Sunday – They’re Coming Straight At Us

It’s time for Snippet Sunday The fires are still blowing smoke into the air, so we’re back to dreadfully hot days in Cheyenne. 90+ F and the sunlight is orange. Not fun for people without AC. Good for writing and reading, though. In happier news, I started writing a serial email story once a week…

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Snippet Sunday – This Isn’t Possible

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. I’m trying to get ready for school to start on Monday and it’ll be interesting. I’m nervous and I’m not even the student! In happier news, I started writing a serial email story once a week back in 2000. In 2015, I published the first section of this tale, The…

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Snippet Sunday – What Ocean?

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and I’m working on house projects and writing projects and marketing projects, lol. Fun times of a romance author. But I did got to the post office to get stamps and they have some cool ones these days. I have some new covers coming on an existing serial. I started…

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Snippet Sunday – There’s an Army Coming, Remember?

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and it’s now August. I can’t believe we’re in the latter half of the year. School is starting soon in it’s new ways and despite it still being summer, the mornings are getting colder. Can you sense fall coming? I started writing a serial email story once a week back…

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Snippet Sunday – Please Don’t See Me

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and it’s International Friendship Day! This is a great time to tell those who are close to you how much you care. I started writing a serial email story once a week back in 2000. In 2015, I published the first section of this tale, The Ivory Road: A Walk…

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Snippet Sunday – She’s Not Here, Crowe

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and we’ve been doing yard work. Fun stuff, but the house looks great! lol I started writing a serial email story once a week back in 2000. In 2015, I published the first section of this tale, The Ivory Road: A Walk in the Sand, as a re-edited story. It…

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Snippet Sunday – Meeting with Impact

It’s time for Snippet Sunday. It’s Easter weekend for those who celebrate and I have a new book out. COURTING THE DRAGON WIDOW is book 6 in the Cloudburst Colorado series and you can find it HERE. But today I’m showcasing an unedited F/F Fantasy Romance that will be included, eventually, in the Rifts Series.…

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