
#ThursThreads – Week 391 – Winners

Week 391 of #ThursThreads had many fantastic tales. I’m honored to see all the writers come to tie a tale as we start our eighth year. If you’ve been doing it a while, thank you. If you’ve just found us, welcome! May you come back again and write more great flash. Thousand thanks to Heidi…

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#ThursThreads – Tying Tales Together – Week 391

Welcome back to the home of Weird, Wild, & Wicked Tales. Today is Thursday and that means it’s time to start flashing. We’re half way through our eighth year of weekly prompts! This is Week 391 of #ThursThreads, the challenge that ties tales together. Want to keep up each week? Check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction…

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Annual Hot Teddy Bear Hero Giveaway Basket

It’s that time of year again! And I’m late getting it out, but the Annual Hot Teddy Bear Hero Giveaway Basket is ready to go. What all is in the basket? Hot Teddy Bear Hero from the Thunderbirds The entire Triple Star Ranch series in paperback, signed ARCtic Circle mug “Adulting” thumb tacks “Nice Legs”…

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Moving Day Giveaway (And Mystery Date)

If you know anything about me, you know I’m into spring cleaning – well, any season really, but just getting rid of excess stuff. So I’ve moved and I’ve found all sorts of swag and goodies that I didn’t clear out during the summer. Books and shells too. It’s too much – seriously, I’ve filled…

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#ThursThreads – Week 390 – Winners

Week 390 of #ThursThreads had many fantastic tales. I’m honored to see all the writers come to tie a tale half way through our eighth year. If you’ve been doing it a while, thank you. If you’ve just found us, welcome! May you come back again and write more great flash. Thousand thanks to Jaclyn…

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#ThursThreads – Tying Tales Together – Week 390

Welcome back to the home of Weird, Wild, & Wicked Tales. Today is Thursday and that means it’s time to start flashing. We’re half way through our eighth year of weekly prompts! This is Week 390 of #ThursThreads, the challenge that ties tales together. Want to keep up each week? Check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction…

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Snippet Sunday – Ethical Reasons

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and it’s cold Cheyenne. We had over a foot of snow for Thanksgiving and more was added last night. I’m glad I’m inside staying warm. The Triple Star Ranch series already has two books, ROPE A FALLING STAR and STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT in it. And STAR SPANGLED BANNER is…

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#ThursThreads – Week 389 – Winners

Week 389 of #ThursThreads had many fantastic tales. I’m honored to see all the writers come to tie a tale as we start our eighth year. If you’ve been doing it a while, thank you. If you’ve just found us, welcome! May you come back again and write more great flash. Thousand thanks to Eric…

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#ThursThreads – Tying Tales Together – Week 389

Welcome back to the home of Weird, Wild, & Wicked Tales. Today is the third Thursday of #NaNoWriMo. How’s your word count going? We’ve reached our Seventh year of weekly prompts! This is Week 389 of #ThursThreads, the challenge that ties tales together. Want to keep up each week? Check out the #ThursThreads #flashfiction group…

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Snippet Sunday – Always a Man Short

It’s time for Snippet Sunday and it snowed in Cheyenne. Brrr! I think we bypassed Fall and went straight to winter. But the snow is pretty. The Triple Star Ranch series already has two books, ROPE A FALLING STAR and STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT in it. And STAR SPANGLED BANNER coming out soon. I have…

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