Cover Reveal sign being held by an excited redheaded woman in a pink shirt with glasses on her head

As promised, I have a second book coming out on March 14 2022, titled A TIMELESS HEART. It was part of FLIP THE TROP: ROMANCE GONE WILD anthology and will be released as a stand alone title. It’s book 2 in the Elemental Hearts series about paranormal firefighters located in Cloudburst Colorado. Here’s the blurb:


When Bianca Pearce left Cloudburst, Colorado at eighteen, she swore she’d never come back. She moved to L.A., got married, and created a successful antique and modern clock repair business. But time mellowed the hurts of the past, and with a divorce and two kids in college under her belt, Bianca is ready to move back to the small town to have a quiet life in a familiar place. At her age, she knows who she is and what she wants, and figures love is better left to the young.

Captain Śandor Halmi is the commander of the local Hot Shots squad—and a Zomok, a Hungarian Forest spirit that most often takes the shape of a dragon. His main goal is to take the whole weekend off to relax, ignore his phone as much as possible, and generally disappear now that the Colorado fire season has ended. Love is not on the agenda…until he sees Bianca at the local farmer’s market. He’s struck dumb by her beauty, bearing, and experience, and now he can’t get her out of his mind.

Despite growing up in Cloudburst, Bianca doesn’t believe the stories about the town having non-human residents, and she definitely doesn’t believe in love at first sight. But something about the silver fox firefighter sets her desire ablaze, and she can’t seem to stop thinking about him. Not even when he shows her his true form.


There you have it. Keep your eyes peeled for this bad boy coming in March. Happy reading.

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