Happy Cheyenne Frontier Days! Check out the other authors’ Wordless Wednesday posts. Gwen Cease | Bronwyn Green | Kris Norris
Wordless Wednesday – CFD

Happy Cheyenne Frontier Days! Check out the other authors’ Wordless Wednesday posts. Gwen Cease | Bronwyn Green | Kris Norris
Check out the other authors’ wordless Wednesday posts Gwen Cease | Bronwyn Green | Kris Norris
This year we’re doing a monthly post about First Times: First Kiss, First Meeting, First Argument, etc. This month we’re focused on First Kiss. The except below is from THE VALKYRIE’S SWORD, book 2 of the Warbler Peninsula series. Balder is a former assassin with the fanatical group Sword of God and Svanhild is a…