Surprise! New Release of an Anthology Short

Cover Reveal sign being held by an excited redheaded woman in a pink shirt with glasses on her head

So, a few weeks ago, a colleague that I’d met in the Las Vegas Romance Writers sent me a message and asked if I had a short story he could use in his writing class as an example of romance. I was surprised to be asked because, though we were friends on FB, we didn’t talk much. But I thought, what the heck? And sent him a PDF the story with the understanding that it was previously published but currently unpublished. He said that was fine. I though that was that.

Last Friday, I get an email from a guy who works at Southern New Hampshire University. He said, “An instructor happened upon your short [actually he requested it directly] when searching for a suitable replacement for a resource that is no longer available on the web. I am  hoping you would be amenable to allowing us to host your short within our Learning Management System as an example of Romance in our Advanced Studies in Genre Literature course, to be used when completing  assignments in one of the learning modules.”

OMG – my story as an example of romance in their advanced studies? *happy dance* That’s awesome! But I needed to make sure that all the info was up and ready and I wanted a cover for this thing. So for the last week I’ve been getting this short story ready for publication and y’all get to know about it first! It’s now available for purchase on Smashwords (and Amazon is coming soon) but here’s the blurb:


Aaron Wulf is a loner, an alpha werewolf. And he’s content with his life until his roommate brings a champion Cocker Spaniel into his home to protect it from dog-napping while its owner is out of town.

Detective Rhiannon Mulvaney has a real dog of a case. Someone’s dog-napping Kennel Club champs, and she’s determined to catch the culprits. But when she meets Aaron, the case gets much more interesting.

Maybe police work isn’t just for the dogs.

Previously published as The Cocky Canine Caper in The Cocky Cockers anthology in 2018.


So there you have it. I’ll be featured in a writing course and you get a new book out there to grab before anyone else knows about it. It’s a short so it’s only $0.99 and hopefully it’ll make you smile.

Happy reading!

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